France is one of the world’s most research-intensive nations

Its high-level scientific output is recognized worldwide

It is home to numerous Fields Medal awardees and Nobel Prize laureates

France is among the global top 10 in terms of scientific publications and researchers per capita


English is a working language in many doctoral schools (especially in the natural and technological sciences) throughout the country

Campus France doctoral school directory

👉 Click on the image above to access our Doctoral Schools directory

This interactive directory has a list of doctoral schools across the country. Use the directory to look for a doctoral program by subject/field of expertise, by geographical location, or by using keywords in the search bar. 

application guide and overview

additional resources

Come to France for your research

Click here to download this informative PDF guide



10 good reasons to do research in France 

Click here to download the flyer

10 bonnes raisons research in fra

more information

Visit the dedicated Campus France research portal here